terça-feira, 31 de maio de 2011

Multiman 2.00.3 e Rogero Manager 8.3

Como todos que estão acompanhando a PS3 Scene devem saber, que Deank está sempre atualizando a sua homebrew. Acabou de sair uma nova atualização do Multiman e do Rogero Manager, veja abaixo a change log desses loaders:

Em resumo, não houveram tantas melhoras significativas; Só foi melhorado o emulador de SNES que foi incremetado ao Multiman no 2.00.2 .Para fazer download do Multiman clique aqui.
Multiman 2.00.3
* Fixed: Launching games with cached files right after they’re cached
* Fixed: GAMEI folder won’t appear on USB unless “Ext Game Data” option is used
* Fixed: Double entries in VIDEO column when thumbnail is named for example video.avi.jpg and not video.jpg
* Improved: Scrolling left/right in XMMB mode (faster and won’t load columns)
* Improved: Scrolling up/down. Scroll will pause for ~1 second before looping.
* Added: Option “Hide BD-ROM disc from game list” in XMMB Settings
* Added: L2/R2 switch pages in 4×2 and 8×4 game list modes
* Added: “Save Screenshot” option in PS3 XMB Photo column to capture multiMAN screens in PNG (multiMAN Screenshots album) (10x to squarepusher2 for the hint)
* Improved: multiMAN will return from emulators and showtime much faster (~1-2 seconds boot screen)
* Improved: Last XMMB column and selection/entry restored upon restart/respawn
* Improved: JPG and PNG loading and decoding is performed faster (via SPU with fallback to PPU when header-decoding fails)
* Added: “Retro” column for emulators (WIP)
* Added: “Genre” option in “Game Settings” submenu to select categories for albums/grouping
* (WIP) Added: Support for latest SNES9x port for PS3
* (WIP) Added: Support for SNES9x ROMS: SMC/smc, FIG/fig, SFC/sfc, GD3/gd3, GD7/gd7, DX2/dx2, BSX/bsx, SWC/swc, JMA/jma
* (WIP) Added: New options in options.ini:
* Added: Support for playing music/playlists from PS3 XMB Music column (thanks to squarepusher2)
* Improved: TVs with 480p/576p resolution will show XMMB and slide-coverflow modes a bit better

* SNES9x: - Fixed PS3 reset when exiting with {PS} button
- Fixed returning to XMB
- Fixed returning to multiMAN
* multiMAN:
- Greatly improved loading of all columns in XMMB mode
- Progress icons added in the top right corner (next to the clock)

Rogero Manager 8.3
8.3.0 – Added Support for 2 connected USB drives with the Games List Filtering [L2+R2+L1]. 8.3.0 – Games List Filtering Last State is now saved & restored on Startup (showing HDD, USB or ALL Games).
8.3.0 – Added proper spoof detection for any CFW version, both original & spoofed versions are shown.
8.3.0 – Added [USB Mount] support for FW 3.15,now works on OFW/CFW ver 3.15, 3.41 and 3.55 .
8.3.0 – Added a Smart-Scan function that provides fast Startup/Games Listing if no devices change occurred.
8.3.0 – Added the Option to Enable/Disable “Notification Dialogs” from Settings Menu [Select].
8.3.0 – Added the Option to Enable/Disable “Background Music” from Settings Menu [Select].
8.3.0 – Added more Optimization to the Game Copy function/Showing the Progress-Bar for all Games copied.
8.3.0 – Added a new 3D like Display Mode, the “Home Theatre”. Credits to “CondorStrike” the great artist behind it.
8.3.0 – Added the Option to Show/Hide Games List with [L3] for the new “Home Theatre” Display Mode.
8.3.0 – Added Support for “Hermes v4/Syscall8″ payload to version 3.41/3.55. Credits/Respect to “Hermes”.
8.3.0 – Added Support for “PL3″ payload to version 3.15/3.41. Credits to Anonymous for his great “Payloader3″.
8.3.0 – Added Support to multiMAN’s [XMB Last Game Played] shortcut, Last played Game can be mounted from XMB.
8.3.0 – Added Support for Loading USB Games with Big/Split-files by caching the Split-Files to internal HDD.
8.3.0 – Added Support for [Ext/USB Game Data Install] it can be Enabled/Disabled for a Game using [L1+R3].
8.3.0 – [Split-Files caching] & [Ext/USB Game Data Install] implementation is 100% compatible with multiMAN :
- both managers will share the same folders to preserve HDD space. Credits/Respect to Dean/multiMAN’s Author.
8.3.0 – Added the Option to Delete specific Game’s cached files (Split-Files & USB Data Install) with [Start].
8.3.0 – Added Support for the Left Analog Stick (Up/Down same as L2/R2 = Fast Scroll, Left/Right = Page up/down).
8.3.0 – Added the option to Restart the Manager with [Start+Select] to refresh the Games List/Settings if needed.
8.3.0 – Fixed a bug in the FTP Server which prevented some FTP clients from connecting, thanks to Plastrd.
Para fazer download do Rogero Manager, identifique o seu CFW e faça o download:

  • Para aqueles que usam CFW do Waninkoko ou do Kmeaw, clique aqui.
  • Para aqueles que usam CFW do Wutangrza ou do Geohot, clique aqui.

Aviso: O dono dos atuais tutoriais de PS3 sou eu, JV, que nos comentários é "-JV-"

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